As a Contractor’s Representative / Quantity Surveyor for WBHO Construction Saverio Natal executed the following project for the Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana.


The project was primarily the extension of runway and provision of parrallel taxiway comprising of the,

The Extension of the existing 45m wide concrete paved runway by approx  1000 metres together with 7.5m asphalt paved shoulders and graded strip extending 105m either site of the centre line.

Construction of a new 23m wide (plus 10.5m asphalt paved shoulders and graded strip extending 47.5m either side of the centre line) parallel paved taxiways of approximately 4000m, 200m from the runway with links to the runway at each end inclusive of the construction of the storm water drains, culverts, and erosion protection works and to modify the fire and rescue access road .        

Removal and or refurbishment of certain existing runway lighting components and provide a new airfield ground lighting system for the extended works comprising of the temporary relocation of the runway threshold, precision approach path indicator lighting, ancillary works such as the installation of Meteorological equipment.



The improvement of Kasane Airport included a 15m widening of the existing 2,120m paved runway, a new paved runway, 820m in length in an easterly direction; two taxiways A and B, concrete aprons between the two taxiways, a temporary starter strip 300m in length, the upgrading of the existing drainage system, the 2 120m long by 30m runway, asphalt overlay on runway. This included the construction of new taxiways and aprons, civil works, Electrical and AGL lighting


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